1) I have a missing family member; how can OSARC help?
If deemed appropriate, we may be able to assist you with a search.
Please visit our Contact page and submit a message with a brief description of the situation, and our Search Manager will be in touch.
2) Do you help search for missing pets?
No, we do not. Please contact Ground Search and Rescue for assistance.
3) Does OSARC have paid employees?
No, our members are all volunteers.
4) Are you accepting more members?
Please visit our Contact page and submit a message outlining your interest and experience. A member of our team will be in touch.
5) What happens on a search?
There are many variables that are unique to every search; therefore, it takes significant planning. Variables may include whether it’s an active or cold case, expectations of the family/organization, weather, and location.
Once a search plan is developed, the Team is deployed to the area to conduct the search. Upon completion, a report is provided to the individual/organization with a summary of work completed.